Your Fertility Masterclass

Get a Fertility 101 and learn everything you need to know about what AMH can tell you about your fertility health.

Australia’s Leading Fertility Specialists

$25 for 6 video sessions

No questions, money back guarantee

Dr Rachael Rogers
WHEN Co-Chief Medical AdvisorBA, BSc, MBBS, MScMed, FRANZCOG, CREI
Professor William Ledger
WHEN Co-Chief Medical AdvisorMA, DPhil (Oxon), MB, ChB, FRCOG, FRANZCOG, CREI
Session 1: Fertility 101

Let’s start from the beginning - reproductive health can be pretty complex, learn about where knowing your AMH fits into the overall picture.

With Professor William Ledger & Dr Rachael Rodgers

Watch time: 4.30

Session 2: What is AMH?

In this session our expert team chat about AMH more specifically and how it's used to measure your egg count and what that can tell you.

With Professor William Ledger & Dr Rachael Rodgers

Watch time: 3.40

Session 3: What does in-range AMH mean?

Hear from the experts what an in-range result means and what they want you to know as you use the information to plan your reproductive future.

With Professor William Ledger & Dr Rachael Rodgers

Watch time: 3.27

Session 4: What does low AMH mean?

In this session our experts discuss what a low AMH does and importantly doesn’t mean and hear from the experts, some of the potential next steps you could take.

With Professor William Ledger & Dr Rachael Rodgers

Watch time: 4.00

Session 5: What does high AMH mean?

Get an understanding from the experts of what high AMH means for your reproductive health and other things you might want to consider.

With Professor William Ledger & Dr Rachael Rodgers

Watch time: 4.15

Session 6: Egg Freezing 101

Making the decision to freeze your eggs can be, well, information overload. Hear from two of the country's leading IVF specialists what they think you need to know about egg freezing before you decide if it is for you.

With Professor William Ledger & Dr Rachael Rodgers

Watch time: 4.47

Get your Fertility Masterclass

Australia’s Leading Fertility Specialists

$25 for 6 video sessions

No questions, money back guarantee

Medical Advisors

Professor William Ledger and Dr Rachael Rodgers are our Co-Chief Medical Advisors and have held senior positions in Australia’s top fertility institutions. Together, they provide the specialist commentary to help you understand your clinical grade results.

Prof. William Ledger
WHEN Co-Chief Medical Advisor
Past and present positions include:
Royal Hospital for Women – Director of Fertility and Research Centre
UNSW – Emeritus Professor of the Discipline of Women's Health
Pacific Society for Reproductive Medicine – President
City Fertility – Reproductive Specialist

“Egg count is not a comprehensive measure of a woman’s fertility, but it is an important consideration that can help identify those who are at risk of a depleted egg count earlier than expected. By making those women aware, we can help them consider their options and make more informed decisions along their fertility journey".

Dr Rachael Rodgers
WHEN Co-Chief Medical Advisor
Past and present positions include:
Royal Hospital for Women – Head of Reproductive Medicine
Royal Hospital for Women – Lead Clinician, Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis Program
IVF Australia - Fertility Specialist
Fertility Society of Australia – Member

“One of the first things a fertility specialist wants to know when we see a patient, along with their age, is their egg count – and we investigate this by testing for AMH. Having eggs available is fundamental to an individual’s fertility and it is information I wish each one of my patients had during their reproductive journeys.”