Maybe you're just starting to consider your fertility for the first time and it feels a little overwhelming. Maybe your family planning goals aren't running exactly to plan. Or maybe you can't quite put your finger on it - but things just don't feel quite right.

Well, that's OK. And incredibly common.

At WHEN, we believe that fertility health is best when its proactive and that holds true for mental health too. A little over 1 in 5 Australians report experiencing poor mental health every year, with anxiety being the most common challenge. Mental health is a fundamental part of your overall health and plays a big part in your quality of life. So, when you feel like you need help its best to get on top of things and very often just taking action can be enough to feel like things are changing for the better. Luckily, living in Australia we have access to a wide variety of resources that are there to help us when we feel like we need a little bit of support. 

To get out of our own heads. To feel heard. To know that we're not in this alone.

Here are our top picks for when you need to talk:

Beyond Blue
Head to Health
Mind Spot
This Way Up