Waiting for the results of an AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone) test can be an emotional rollercoaster for anyone, regardless of whether they are actively trying to conceive or just trying to learn more about their fertility health. The anticipation and uncertainty can take a toll on emotional wellbeing. This is why prioritising self-care and focusing on your emotional health during this waiting period is crucial. 

We asked Pru Sweeten, Senior Fertility Nurse at WHEN, to share her favourite strategies, which include mindfulness and relaxation techniques, to help you take care of your emotional health while waiting for AMH results.

Acknowledge your feelings

According to Pru, acknowledging and understanding your emotions while waiting for your AMH test results is fundamental to self-care. It’s normal to experience a range of feelings, from anticipation and anxiety to fear and impatience. Accepting these emotions without judgment paves the way for a healthier emotional experience.

Once you’ve accepted your feelings, try sharing them with someone you trust. A friend, partner, or family member can help alleviate negative emotions and provide emotional support. Your loved ones can also offer a fresh perspective and remind you that you're not alone in this journey.

Information empowers

Knowledge is a powerful tool for managing your emotional wellbeing while waiting for AMH test results. Take the time to educate yourself about the test, what it measures, and the potential implications of the results. It’s recommended to avoid consulting unreliable sources such as "Doctor Google" and instead, obtain information from reputable websites or healthcare professionals, according to Pru.

Empowerment through information can help demystify the unknown, making the waiting period less anxiety-inducing.

Establish a support system

Building a support system is crucial for emotional wellbeing during this time. Share your thoughts, fears, and hopes with those you trust – be it a partner, family member, or friend. A strong support network can provide emotional validation and reassurance that you're not navigating this journey alone.

Consider joining online forums or support groups that focus on fertility. This can help you connect with others who are facing similar experiences. You can visit WHEN Matters and read our Real Stories, written by people who have undergone similar journeys.

Engage in self-care activities

It’s essential to incorporate relaxation techniques into your daily routine. Pru recommends practising self-care, meditation and relaxation. You can also find relief by sharing your thoughts and feelings with someone, exercising and spending time in nature. These practices can help calm your mind and reduce stress. Allocating time each day for activities like these can bring you peace and relaxation.

Stay positive

"Combat the possibility of a negative outcome with positive thoughts like: even if it's not the result I'd like, at least I'll know earlier and can take proactive measures," suggests Pru. This will help you approach the situation more objectively, allowing you to make informed decisions based on the outcome.

Distract yourself

Positive distractions are important for maintaining emotional balance while waiting for test results. According to Pru, some people find it helpful to keep busy to take their minds off the results. On the other hand, some people prefer to look inward to calm their minds and bodies.

Engaging in activities that bring you joy and divert your attention from the waiting period can be helpful. This could include pursuing a hobby, spending time with loved ones, or immersing yourself in a good book. Positive distractions can be effective in managing stress.

Seek professional support

Sometimes, the emotional weight of waiting for test results can become overwhelming. Seeking the guidance of a counsellor or therapist experienced in fertility-related issues can offer a safe space to express your feelings and fears. Professional support can equip you with coping strategies and provide a structured framework for navigating the emotional challenges associated with fertility testing.